This is interesting not for the airline angle but t show how diet changes as money becomes less of n object.

The ingredients the most high end meal and most low end meal are not that different, in fact they're easily confused: salmon ad shrimp - the shrimp is in the cheapest meal the salmon in the highest; shrimp are more expensive than salmon typically.

It's not about the cost of the materials it's about the *diversity* of them - taken in the extreme case you could survive on just potatoes, cream and anchovies, but you'd live longer if you also ate cabbage, citrus fruit and brazil nuts daily and liver now and again as well. You could reasonably expect somebody who added a large assortment of small berries to this site to live longer because of the increased percentage of exotic phytochemicals in the diet.

It's easy to get stuck in a rut - but I like xxx it's quick and easy to make and I like it. It's only quick and easy to make bcau you're using to making it because you make it all the time. Go to the store and buy some ingredients that are on sale even if you don't normally buy them; aim for diversity, buy only seventies they look up a recipe that uses them by typing the mito google with the word recipe and cook he one you fancy ost.

There's a reason these guys pay thousands of dollars to them the fancy version of the meal an as you can see there s nothing special to it its just a small amount of alot of diffrent things and that diversity is unarguably the most vitally important aspect to human diet. We always use "the words "balanced diet" and that literally means a balance between a large number of foods and it tun suit the larger the better. It' snot like we actually know all the chemicals in our food and what they do in the body and until we can actually identify what the initial set of commands ar eot sustain human life it's best to eat as many different things as possible, that is health increases as a function of diversity fo diet. Intis way any so far unknown biochemical reaction in the body that requires a certain trace element to work has a greater probability of working the greater the drivetest in the diet.