In response to "Is Coconut Oil Good or Bad for You?
A Harvard professor called coconut oil “pure poison.”"

Here's why it's nonsense. Keep in mind the ethics questions in Harvard medical school, the Times also reported the whole class walked out because of pharma's undue influence. But on the other hand, Lipinski is there is it's not all lost. Read on.

The major constituent in Coconut oil is Lauric acid, one of the most simple fatty acids.

We know there was water on mars because we found organic molecules there - carboxyl groups, that can only form by repeated wetting and drying.

One of the simplest variant of this molecule is Lauric Acid, which can also be found in abundance in himen breast milk and salmon.

So the fats in salmon are "pure poison" ? Why do people take salmon oil pills to cure disease then?

Here's the problem, the negative impacts on health he's talking about are from man made saturated fats, or "trans" fats. These are not much better for you than gasoline which is why countries re banning them. Canada's own bad began *yesterday* (hence the misleading industry response in the NYT). Retailers now have two years to remove all traces of it from theur shelves and that's no, it will be no longer legal to sell trans fats in Canada.

They are what is bad.

Coconut oil has been used safely for thousands of years and medical evidnce is not exactly on industry's side here for their harmful WWII era plasticy food adulterant.

How can Harvard and the NYT get this so wrong? Well the NYT prints what it's paid to and only exists to serve industry.

Here's a great example. In 2010 the NYT reported "Many in West Africa are immune to Ebola".

So naturally when a Harvard scientist found out why they rushed that to print with the news it not only works on Ebola but on all viral disease. Just kidding they ignored it. One newspaper in Africa reported on #Lipinski_2015.

How about when the NYT reported in 2015 Climate Change was responsible for the drought in California, right before it rained to much dams burst. Never mind USA today reported the NOAA said it wasn't.

Every six months industry drags out this old chestnut to deflect criticism of their toxic product: trans fats, which they defend by pretending coconut oil does what man made trans fats do. Which is simply not true. You can check in google and see older versions of this story go back years.

Hydrogenated palm kernel oils are what they're talking about here, not plain coconut oil.

You think the New York Times are health experts? Go there and look a them. Never take diet advice from fat people.


Effects of Dietary Coconut Oil on the Biochemical and Anthropometric Profiles of Women Presenting Abdominal Obesity Lipids.
2009 May 13, Monica L. Assunção, Haroldo S. Ferreira, Aldenir F. dos Santos, Cyro R. Cabral Jr, Telma M. M. T. Florêncio

Coconut Oil and Chili Peppers Together Increases Thermogenesis Leading to Weight Loss Clegg ME, Golsorkhi M, Henry CJ.,

Virgin Coconut Oil and Weight Loss: testimonies

The other thing you can do is reduce carbohydrates: they are what make you fat more than anything else.
"29 Jan 2015 - Liberia: Harvard Scientist Claims Selenium Can Treat Ebola"

2014: "Causes of Calif. drought natural, not man-made: NOAA"

2016: "California Braces for Unending Drought"
"Monday to impose permanent water conservation measures and called on water suppliers to prepare for a future made drier by climate change."

The truth is it was water policy. There's more facts about this in the movie _Chinatown_ than either of these two "references", although USA today (!) came closer in pointing out the NOAA said "no Virginia, this is not global warming. Still."

The question in my mind is is the The New York Times ever going to update their Ebola story? Goodness knows emailing and telephoning the reported and city desk doesn't do any good.

Or is it too much of an inconvenient truth that the thing that saved the world from Ebola four years ago would also eliminate all viral disease? I can see how that might be inconvenient to some small percentage, but as they say, "think od the children".

This crap lie about coconut oil has been debunked cordless times. There are mot important things to to worry about.

Disregard the NYT, they're not even remotely credible on this issue and have lot to answer for on others. They publish junk science and it's both very disappointing and embarrassing.


cf Jonathan Zittrain Ben Edelman Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University