So India will agree to the Paris accord. Oh everyone agrees to it. Then ignores it.
Doesn't it bother anybody that we're regulating a gas that's plant food, that, despite the lay media's claims, has, absolutely, not once ever to be shown to increase temperature?
In fact, it's well understood that co2 goes up as a result of heat not the other way around. You don't get to argue with billions of years of the fossil record showing this.
Would it have been so hard to instead regulate, oh, things like heavy metals, dioxins, pcbs, organophosphates, you know, the things that actually kill millions of people every year.
Every year.
Yet we're distracted by "climate" claims that take our focus off pollution totall, despite climate never having killed anyone in all of earth's history.
Ask the people in Bhopal how they feel about climate. Oh wait you can't they were all wiped out by a cyanide leak one afternoon.
I hate to break this to you India, but your politicians are fucking lying to you. Because they're clueless and greedy.
Why don't you elect somebody sciencey ? Not only will time wasting shit like this not happen but - and I promise you this - the rate of people dying from disease will go down. Climate is just a litmus test for scientific truth and if you can get past that, then not only will the commercial influence that keeps pollution unabated declines but so will the commercial control of the medicine industry.
India alone in the world took a stab at this with at-cost cancer drugs.
Nice try, but that's what caused TPP to happen.
Now they'll make sure nobody will do that again worldwide, and your $1.70 a pill cancer drug will be $60 a pill (USD) again and will stay that way world wide. The joke is it doesn't work, but hey, poeple buy it anyway.
The market dominance of only patentable treatments should also raise a red flag in a country with the oldest recorded medicine in the planet.