This all fell apart when it stopped warming in 99 and each year was colder than the previous in 2000-2009 at which point it changed to "climate change". Bill Nye once called CBS to tell them "we don't say 'global warming' any more we say 'climate change'. Like a TV station needs to be corrected by a comedian turned TV talking head. It's just propaganda. Full disclosure would be nice there, too.
At this point the alarmists have to either give up and Lovelock said on his way out the door:
"As “an independent and a loner,” he said he did not mind saying “All right, I made a mistake.” He claimed a university or government scientist might fear an admission of a mistake would lead to the loss of funding"
And you can follow that money right back to the one place it all started - the Clinton Foundation.
They stood to lose the most, they'd found a way to capitalize on the politics of fear and make the world a safer place for industrial polluters by sequestering public discourse on the subject to solution faster than rising temperature sequesters carbon in forts.
Until 200 they were lying but the evidence backed them up but when it stopped rising and worse kept falling we all took a wait and see attitude. Ten years is a long time to not see it get warmer.
So they kept saying it was getting warmer, despite their own websites still having data that showed it absolutely wann't!
So the changed the data. And that's why they're in court right now. Somebody leaked. What a surprise.
The fear data will be destroyed is irrational. The data that made up, that will be removed from public view - because it's not true.
It certainly won't be "destroyed", it's evidence. Why would anybody want to destroy that? But it's evidnce of wrongdoing not warming.
After we banned cfc's worldwide (for no scientific reason whatsoever) it wasn't a hard sell to work on another gas and until 2000 you'll see "greenhouse gases" but not "global warming" in the newspapers.That started in 2001, and morphed to "climate change" when it, you know, stopped warming. It's a nonsense phrase that doesn't actually mean anything anyway. The climate changes everyday. It's all just math in the end and theirs is a joke among statisticians.