Naomi Klein is unhinged
March 3, 2017. Naomi Klein made a fuss about methane with an OMG we're all gonna die posting on Facebook to promote her new book on the subject.

Methane breaks down after a few years.

All that methane in the arctic that's thawing? It's plant food and all used immediately.[1] Where did you think the carbon budget came from to support arctic flora as we pull out of a great ice age?

Not once have you use the word "pollution" - the thing that actually kills millions a year[2] while not one person in history ever died from "climate change".

Never mind co2 stopped rising years[3] ago and was higher 200 years back by 10% of about 40 ppm. Never mind you missed where in 2012 NASA pointed out the models were wrong - they left out the fact rising co2 and rising temps mean more vegetation[4] and a greater co2 sink and even doubled co2 meat a 1 degree rise - and then all the models failed. What in hell are you going on about? Serious question, where's your data? You don't even understand the basics of some very complicated science and are just regurgitating the commercial propaganda about this topic gleaned apparently fresh from the pages of People Magazine's "science" section. Even the Daily Mail got this wright. Oy!

How about the ozone fraud? we convinced the world to ban CFC's globally (how convenient DuPont's patent on them ran out at the same time) and after 10 years of looking for it, we find zero trace of anything to do with CFS and the ozone hole is now closing because increasingly colder years[5][6]. Im supposed to believe you over NASA?!? When you can drop an SUV on Mars from a rocket powered skycrane then maybe, but until then, I don't think so.

Your ignorance of scientific matters remains stunning, even for somebody without a science education. But, there is no excuse for this ignorance in a post internet world.

At this point you look more like you're on the side of the corporatists turning polluters dollars into false climate propaganda.

I still offer to debate you anywhere, any time, blindfolded with one arm behind my back on the science behind your silliness. You will as usual decline because you know you can't win.

Hell you can't even win a $10 bet about anything you believe is true, neighbor.

Full disclosure Ms. Klein, I'm a programmer that works for themselves. Who pays you? What is the source of your "funded climate journalism" as I believe it's called in the trade.

Refs: [1]