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Liberals need to get over this neurotic obsession with global warming; if you're politically left then you believe global warming is an automatic truth and this is unshakable. And it's dead wrong.
Anybody can spend 5 seconds looking at NASA data on a US government website and see that not only is it not warming but it's getting colder and they're simply playing silly buggers with maths, charts and graphs. Just look what's happened this century and notice it hasn't been as warm as last century yet: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/time-series/global .
It's axiomatic in mathematics that if you zoom out your graph and if shows the opposite of what you say then your original graph was a lie
Here's the IPCC climate model projected over time so it's doing exactly what it's doing now. That is what 75% error taken over a long time period looks like:
On the other hand if you zoom out actual historical data then right now doesn't look all that unusual and we have nowhere to go but up.
Getting colder would be unprecedented, not getting warmer, that's normal and expected. Just look at where we are right now on the long term graph.
If liberals don't stop this, and fail call out other liberals when they foolishly rally around the climate flag then they risk being regarded rightly so as a party of mental defectives believing fluoride is deadly, the government changes the weather, and also reads your mind unless you wear a tinfoil hat. You don't look good in tinfoil.
Examine the data. Stop panicking, there's no truth to the idea that warming, that stopped ages ago, was unprecedented or unusual in any way. It's just a bad game of silly buggers done with math tricks, smoke and mirrors and what it's done it totally remove pollution from the public discourse. It is literally straight out of the book "how to lie with statistics". It has replaced to a large extent, public discourse about pollution, which is the issue that unlike "global warming" actually kills people every day - yet somehow we just don't seem to be as interested in this as we are in a theoretical problem well off into the future despite the only evidence of this having been proven to be mathematically unsound with a very large rate of error.
That is on purpose.
Now ask yourself what environmental movement would have that as a goal or even tolerate the deprecation of pollution as a side effect, really?
Here's an example of a NASA claim debunked by NASA's own data:
I don't care how many hot years there were recently, what matters is what they do and every year it's been getting colder - those hot yers get less hot each year which doesn't make the claim untrue but does prove it's misleading and intentionally so. Why would an honest person do this?
Here's another example - note the find print contradicts the headline:
"Unprecedented melting" appears in the headline, but the fine print says it happens every 150 years - not "unprecedented" at all and not only that but they say it's "right on time", in a warming world it would be early. It also means the "unprecedented warming" myth is once again busted, it's just not true at all.
Since Hansen "left" NASA to "spend more time with his family" this has stopped happening and NASA's communiques with the public have reverted to science (remember this is the guy who claimed Bush "muzzled" him. That was because he was lying not because he was some great whistleblower) and ironically they're now studying the effects of the sun in climate which the IPCC - who have never predicted anything correctly not even once - claimed to have "debunked" as a cause of climate despite this being known since at least the 1930s
When NASA tells you you're wrong about everything it really would be best to STFU.
"8th December 2010 13:24 GMT - A group of top NASA and NOAA scientists say that current climate models predicting global warming are far too gloomy, and have failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise."
And sure enough all the climate models failed, with up to 75% error. A monkey with a coin toss can do better than this.
"On Sept. 19, 2014, the five-day average of Antarctic sea ice extent exceeded 20 million square kilometers for the first time since 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The red line shows the average maximum extent from 1979-2014." - in other words there's never been as much ice here in 35 years - which as of 2015 is exactly how long global warming hysteria has plagued us.
Image Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio/Cindy Starr
Just look how much the arctic sea ice extent has chaged because of 30 years of global warming. Look at it, just look at it:
Yeah I know it doesn't look any different but you're a liberal you just have to believe. That nice Mr. Gore said the ice would be all gone by 2015 and if you look very hard you can see polar bears swimming on all that white stuff.
Keep telling yourself the white stuff is water and you too can live the liberal delusion of dogma and institutional denial
This isn't some computer model it's the actual Arctic captured by satellite. That's what it looked like and it hasn't changed in decades.
I hate to break it to you but the media lies. I know that's hard to accept and all just keep staring at that graph of the arctic.. That's not exactly "ice free by 2015" now is it?
So far every IPCC prediction about climate has failed to come true.
Exactly how many failed predictions do you need to realize they don't know what they're talking about? Is 35 years of this really not enough?