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http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/01/new-satellite-maps-show-polar-ice-caps-melting-at-unprecedented-rate Oh rly? Let's see what NASA says: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/greenland-melt.html "Ice cores from Summit show that melting events of this type occur about once every 150 years on average. With the last one happening in 1889, this event is right on time," says Lora Koenig, a Goddard glaciologist and a member of the research team analyzing the satellite data" Oh. It's a 150 year cycle and right on time. 1) If it's a cycle how can this melt be "unprecedented"? It can't of course, this happens every 150 years. 2) In a warming world this would have been at least a day early. The planet is doing what it's always done and newspaper are either ignorant of the facts or just plain lying. http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo1481.html " In the early 1920s and 1930s, temperatures were high, similar to that of the present, and this affected the glacial melt. At the time many glaciers underwent a melt similar or even higher than what we have seen in the last ten years. When it became colder again in the 1950s and 1960s, glaciers actually started growing. Results showed that the sea ice extent has been far from stable throughout the last 10,000 years." 3) it was warmer in the 30s than it is now. In fact the hottest July on record was in 1936. http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/30/noaa-quietly-reinstates-july-1936-as-the-hottest-month-on-record/ 4) The ice melting now grew in the 50s and 60s when it was as cold in the extreme then as it warm in the extreme hot now (these average out to zero). In fact, a global ice age was the green battle cry in the 1970s. In the film "Local Hero" this then popular sentiment is recorded - they talk about preventing a global ice age by diverting the gulf stream to melt the polar caps. That was the hysteria and sentiment of the day. Now those same jokers predict the earth will burn up. Of course that didn't happen either because they don't actually understand this stuff. Flashback: Hansen's climate model says ice age to occur by 2021, 'no need to worry about CO2' 1971 http://is.gd/Nuvfok http://is.gd/K0lEq7 This is the same alarmist Hansen who recently "retired to spend more time with his family" from NASA who suddenly began publishing facts instead of spin and misleading reports the day he left. Basically it appears he was fired for lying about global warming. NASA satellite images show the arctic ice pack has been growing for thre years. http://rs79.vrx.net/opinions/ideas/climate/.images/sea_ice.jpg http://rs79.vrx.net/opinions/ideas/climate/.images/1409435267461_image_galleryimage_polar1_jpg.jpg If you made it allth way to the botom of the article the facts emerge: "Greenland’s volume of ice is being reduced at the rate of 375 cubic km a year. In Antarctica, the picture is more complex as the West Antarctic ice sheet is losing ice rapidly, but is growing in volume in East Antarctica." Oh. Overall, ice is growing and has for as long as we've measured it. “Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming? It’s not expected,” says Professor John Turner, a climate expert at the British Antarctic Survey. “The world’s best 50 models were run and 95% of them have Antarctic sea ice decreasing over the past 30 years.” http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/09/why-is-antarctic-sea-ice-at-record-levels-despite-global-warming Overall, the southern continent − 98% of which is covered with ice and snow − is losing 125 cubic km a year. These are the highest rates observed since researchers started making satellite observations 20 years ago. “Since 2009, the volume loss in Greenland has increased by a factor of about two, and the West Antarctic ice sheet by a factor of three,” said Angelika Humbert, one of the report’s authors. " http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/21/autosub_in_pig_melt_clue/ “British and international boffins, having probed an Antarctic glacier which is thought to be a major cause of rising sea levels worldwide, report that increased polar ice melting may not be driven by climate change.“ The massive ice river in question is the Pine Island Glacier, aka PIG to those in the field. “Estimates of Antarctica’s recent contributions to sea level rise have changed from near-zero to significant and increasing," says Stan Jacobs of Columbia uni in the States.