In early spring Florida banned the term "climate change" in communications with government. This was seen by some as censorship.

Actually it's consumer protection.

The story is being misinterpreted and there's a bit of history here.

A few years ago in North Carolina, carpetbaggers would go to old ladies that owned valuable beachfront property and tell them global warming is making the sea rise and within a couple of years their homes would be condemned and they'd have to move, but they'd give them 30 cents on the dollar

Of course it came to pass the sea didn't rise like they said it would and they were essentially defrauded.

Well guess what happens in Florida now?

This puts a stop to that.

Understand also the sea isn't rising anywhere near as much as they thought because a) the global average temperature hasn't risen in 16 years and their math was wrong when it came to sea rise. Florida more than any other state pumps water out of the ground and the land sinks as you can't exactly have a hollow hole with a vacuum under a land mass.