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This drought is the same as the last drought
This drought is the same as the last drought
No, the drought in California isn't caused by climate change

No more than the last time this happened in the 70s and 80s.

As long as 7% of the water is used by people and the bulk of it used inefficiently to grow fucking lettuce in the the fucking desert only to have most of that water shipped out of state in the lettuce itself, then you have a problem.

Don't look at the almonds either - anything that encourages trees planting is more than you could ask for. That's how you re green deserts, not by growing goddamn lettuce then getting rid of it.

Planting trees is how they're re greening Ethiopia and will undo the stupidity n the 1930s and resultant dustbowl with it's catastrophic effects on climate.

Recall the hottest temperature ever recorded in the US were in the 1930s not in modern times. (July 1936 was the hottest on record; Source: NOAA)

This policy had been going on since the 1930s. It's what the movie _Chinatown_ with Jack Nicholson was about.