Bill Nye is a clown
(and not a scientist)

Recently Bill Nye (who from hereon out I shall refer to as "Blinky the science clown") had the audacity to use the words "real scientist" when he called MSNBC and asked them to say "climate change" and not "global warming" when talking about 100 yr cold record all over the eastern coast of the United States. News media should indeed rely on experts. On what planet is Blinky an expert?

When I think "expert" I think "Einstein". or "Feynman". None of these guys are alive though. Except one, Freeman Dyson. He took over the spot Einstein had at the research institute are Princeton tht was made for him. Oddly, Dyson said "there's been no warming this century" which NASA has also stated. Perhaps Bill Nye is a better scientist. He's younger and presumably better trained. Let's have a look and compare shall we?

Blinky the science clown has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell. He has a patent for ballet slippers. He has published no papers, ever, his "books" are best described as "pulp fiction" for his corporate masters, and he in fact worked as a comedian all his life. His father was a sundial enthusiast and in fact Blinky's sole area of expertise is sundials. "In the early 2000s, Nye assisted in the development of a small sundial that was included in the Mars Exploration Rover missions" - Wikipedia. Oh shit. Poser.


He has a PhD in Mathematics from Cambridge in 1945.

In 1952 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Dyson was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 1966, Max Planck Medal in 1969 and the Harvey Prize in 1977.

In the 1984–85 academic year he gave the Gifford lectures at Aberdeen, which resulted in the book Infinite In All Directions.

In 1989, Dyson taught at Duke University as a Fritz London Memorial Lecturer. In the same year, he was elected as an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

Dyson has published a number of collections of speculations and observations about technology, science, and the future. In 1996 he was awarded the Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing about Science.

In 1993, Dyson was given the Enrico Fermi Award.

In 1995 he gave the Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, sponsored jointly by the Hebrew University and Harvard University Press that grew into the book Imagined Worlds.[34]

In 2000, Dyson was awarded the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion.

In 2003, Dyson was awarded the Telluride Tech Festival Award of Technology in Telluride, Colorado.

In 2011, Dyson was received as one of twenty distinguished Old Wykehamists at the Ad Portas celebration, the highest honor that Winchester College bestows.

Elected a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.

Awarded the Henri Poincaré Prize, 2012

Honorary Degrees:

Yeshiva University, 1966
University of Glasgow, 1974
Princeton University, 1974
University of York, 1980
City University of London, 1981
New School of Social Research, 1982
Rensselaer Polytechnic, 1983
Susquehanna University, 1984
Depauw University, 1987
Rider College, 1989
Bates College, 1991
Haverford College, 1991
Dartmouth College, 1995
Federal Inst. of Tech. (ETH), Switzerland, 1995
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 1996
University of Puget Sound, 1997
Oxford University, 1997
Clarkson University, 1998
Rockefeller University, 2001
St. Peter's College, 2004
Georgetown University, 2005
University of Michigan, 2005
University of the Sciences, 2011

Dyson's 28 page bibliography of award winning books and scientific papers can be found here:

Did Blinky the science clown ever work as a climate scientist? No. Dyson?

"Then in the late 1970s, he got involved with early research on climate change at the Institute for Energy Analysis in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

"I just think they don't understand the climate," he said of climatologists. "Their computer models are full of fudge factors."

That research, which involved scientists from many disciplines, was based on experimentation. The scientists studied such questions as how atmospheric carbon dioxide interacts with plant life and the role of clouds in warming.

But that approach lost out to the computer-modeling approach favored by climate scientists. And that approach was flawed from the beginning, Dyson said."

Blinky the science assclown says what he's paid to and doesn't understand climate any better than the "scientists" with their now-horribly-flawed models.

Dyson again:
I hope that guy never gets to hear Dyson’s most heretical assertion: Atmospheric CO2 may actually be improving the environment.

"It’s certainly true that carbon dioxide is good for vegetation," Dyson said. "About 15 percent of agricultural yields are due to CO-2 we put in the atmosphere. From that point of view, it's a real plus to burn coal and oil."

In fact, there’s more solid evidence for the beneficial effects of CO-2 than the negative effects, he said. So why does the public hear only one side of this debate? Because the media do an awful job of reporting it.

"They’re absolutely lousy," he said of American journalists. "That’s true also in Europe. I don’t know why they’ve been brainwashed."

I know why: They’re lazy. Instead of digging into the details, most journalists are content to repeat that mantra about "consensus" among climate scientists.

The problem, said Dyson, is that the consensus is based on those computer models. Computers are great for analyzing what happened in the past, he said, but not so good at figuring out what will happen in the future. But a lot of scientists have built their careers on them. Hence the hatred for dissenters.

"It was similar in the Soviet Union," he said. "Who could doubt Marxist economics was the future? Everything else was in the dustbin."

There’s a lot of room left in that bin for the ideas promulgated by people dumber than Dyson. Which is just about everyone.

This quote from the great H.L. Mencken captures perfectly the religious nature of those in the climate cult:

"The essence of science is that it is always willing to abandon a given idea, however fundamental it may seem to be, for a better one; the essence of theology is that it holds its truths to be eternal and immutable."

Bottom line: Blinky the science clown is not now, nor has he ever been a scientist. He is known to fake data, who can't tell north from south poles yet he dares use the phrase "real scientist" when actual real scientists point out we know little and most of what the press reports is wrong. Blinky the science clown is one of the reasons why the press is wrong. People like him are supposed to explain science. How can this happen when he isn't even aware of it? And he's telling the media what to say? Dafuq?

This is why we can't have nice things. I don't ever want to see the words "real scientist" come out of Blinky the science clown's mouth ever again. It's a damn insult.