Senator Sessions grills the head of the EPA who demonstrates she doesn't know anything about climate even what's in the IPCC report and just makes things up on the fly. Painful to watch.
This kind of ignorance could cost the left the election in 2016 at which point the EPA will be dismantled.
NOTE: The video in Jeff Sessions account was "removed by user" after a week of being accused of being a "Russian operative" daily in the news. (check the dates for yourself) After the video was removed there was never another allegation of Sessions having anything to do with the Russians. It was so bad before that people were taking bets as to when exactly he'd be fired. The video can be found on the cspan footage still.
Coral has genes it can switch on to allow for temperature and pH. But not pollution. The popular press has used "warming" as a cover up for man made pollution.
One could make a career following this ex (for good reason) NASA scientist and correcting him.
Many newspapers covered the "controversial" report that outlines a new doom and gloom scenario: "The world’s most famous climate scientist just outlined an alarming scenario for our planet’s future" - in a cooling world where their funding may not be renewed these hacks are fighting for their lives.
The liberal obsession with global warmig needs to go away
In a cooling world where the ice caps are as big or bigger than they were 30 years ago and with temperatures plummeting globally, the liberal policy plank that global warming is real - despite all measurements - make liberals look like irrational and stupid.
Focus on pollution, not the temperature That's what we used to do before we got distracted and it is the thing that kills people; 7 million a year, and is undeniable. The climate has killed exactly zero people in all of history.
How and why the media lies. The Daily Mail reported NASA data faithfully and accurately. The New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post and nearly every other newspaper in the world did not and misled the public.
400 ppm CO2 isn't a milestone, 7000 ppm was - CO2 is plant food
We ignore actual toxic pollutants and are alarmed at plant food? The historic high for CO2 was 7000 ppm, and increasing CO2 increases global plant biomass and accelerates bioremediation of pollution.
Dta makes more sense when placed in context and seldom when looked at in isolation. THat is if simply zooming out the graph changes the meaning, you have no argument.