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1) Climate. To see the data in context and understand what it means, zoom out all the way. What we've been led to believe is there's unprecedented warming and it's been happening for a while now. So lets look at all the recorded data (NASA/NOAA 1880-now), 2000 years worth and 4.5 billion years worth, that is the entire planets history. a) In the short term, 1880-now there was only warming in 1978-1998 and since then has never been as warm since, in fact it's been getting colder. Politicians asked the scientists to cover this up in a memo leaked to UPI that only the Daily Mail published.

You'll see 1000 blogs claiming it's warming but all data comes form the NOAA dataset on climate.gov. Ignore the headlines and commentary, it's misleading, look at tha actual data.

Even if next year was warmer than 1998 it doesn't negate an 18 year trend. So it's not going up, it's going down. Again, NASA data, global average, combined land and ocean. Land itself declines more sharply, ocean is flatline. All from climate.gov it's the data used on noaa.gov and climate.nasa.gov. 3) medium term we're in a 2000 year decline which is why the current graphs based on "anomaly from the 20th century average" is pretty much nonsense, its the coldest century in as far back as we can tell with any accuracy. Here's the graphs the danes did, the vostok ice core samples show the same curve, it's steadily downward: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n12/carousel/nclimate1589-f2.jpg http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nclimate1589.html Now look over 4.5B years of temperature and this is the clincher. For 80% of earths history there's been a global average of 25C. Except for when it drops to 10C which it does now and again during glaciation periods. It's 10C now. If it stays this way for the next 4.5 B years it makes the graph look pretty silly. What's actually going to happen is easy to project (shaded area) - which means warming. 10C worth. So there's zero chance getting colder is good or even staying the same is good. CERN has proved a cause of glaciation and it's probably going to get colder before it gets warmer.