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Post Military Industrial Complex America

2025 - Post Military Industrial Complex America

In the last two days I have been proud to live long enough to hear an American president say that after a few phone calls with Russia they all agrees to cut military spending by 50% a year until it goes back to pre-WWII levels very quietly in the background on a friday onoy to see on the following Saturday a Kennedy in the While house flat out saying they were devolcing the Military Indusrtial complex. I admit I cired as I sat there and listened to it. THe promise of the American experiment was cut short one day in November, on the day of the introduction to the Daleks.

This set the tone for the early 1960s, very much more so for my family as we moved to Canada literally on the day Kennedy was shot, we found out between the airlplane and the hotel and then could not watch Dr. Who because it was preempted for the news. THAT news.

America really took a shit when that light went out and one by one the stars started going out, RFK, King and many others and suddenly the war JFK was going to end as well as the CIA he was going to dismantle - seemed to be in charge if Voltaire was right about "who you can't criticize is in charge" as well as "science" and "Medicine" companies. If you can't question it, is it really science? Of course the only reason to disallow questions is because the answer works against you or is unknown, either way, this is not appropriate in policy-making.

So, having had some time to think and the worls races headlong into peace, I have some suggestions on what I would do next.