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The pollution tax
The pollution tax

We pay for carbon, carbon ice, Lenovo X1 Carbon. Carbon fibre cars. Carbon, the base of organic chemistry, the science of the chemistry of living things, This is not about carbon. We, as carbon based life forms, love carbon.

It's about pollution. That's the stuff we don't want, carbon per se is fine, we're carbon based life forms.

But the pollution tax exists for a reason and it's working. So only somebody whose job depends on not understanding this. That would be the US oil companies.

"I guess those invested in the horse industry and then the steam age also went through a period of denial. They just didn’t have social media to spread their nonsense." - Phil Cowley

It's a nice system, tax the polluters, give some to the people. We like our pollution rebates in this country, the only folks dissatisfied are the polluters.They're very much supposed to be inconvenienced for contributing to the 7 million deaths a year from just air pollution alone (cf WHO). That's one holocaust per year.

All you have to do to opt out is get an EV, then you don't lose money every time you fill up and get money back from the last few vergassers. Imagine being the last guy to drive a vergasser car. Don't be that guy.

It's easy to see it worked and is working, here's LA in 1967 on the cover of time for the most polluted city.

Here's a live cam that shows Los Angeles today:


You can actually see things there now and the air isn't quite as multi-colored any more.