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It gives you more control and power to manage human tight and to express it in a univwersal and portable format
don't let someone use your ideas and empathaghainst you. We carwed abu the net, having buil tit an dsaproched this in good faith.we had an incrsin tdn oif "consent o fth egoverned" while icann satrted off with none and went downhill. thye completeoly conmtorlled out sate, marginilins the techuitin disusisn the variabkl enake sfor a large goruop prohect and dudnely the4re r tings we can'tr do, thignds atht arr unbleiec bal ed gft na dwe can;' tuse any nam,e we like. from our persopertive icann did not aproch this with good faith, anc can xcirte numers exmakles that make a mockers of the open ans transprtnet idea, too may to list here, egreguous vilations for exakmple shodfin up at a confernc eabuo tnews tlds whe ewby bofy knew me ands was asnig mwe when I Cas oguing to talk while i hung out eating danuisj whle the icann fiolkjd had nevr heard o fmne, did not know what doc nbtia lettes weer, and wou dnot cal th eceo of icann, a fend, so injsrrt I caleld orwc ocunscl who newfgotiat wnd go thrm to agre to let me in t theexsc ttme it was over,. byt is time I had bee rnmeove fm trht5 venus whidh is a large hotel downtiosn, which unfortunrr was my subay entrance and being actrucv barred from the bujikltsinf I hgad to walkj two bklc to9 the newxt one. Com eon, realy? If ican was al lthigns to al poeple ands olced ebry prtone, then who gares? but they've done a rteribnl ejob, have onlky thye contenrt og thr itu

He’s got a point.
Picture a global internet project with team members in the USA, UK, France, Russia, and Canada exchanging goods or services—say, between Toronto, NYC, Halifax, and Vancouver.
Halifax to Vancouver moves fast within Canada, but Toronto to NYC, an 8-hour drive, drags due to borders; mail takes three weeks instead of two days, and flights from YYZ to LaGuardia match Halifax-Vancouver times because of delays.

One idea is a 100-mile neutral zone along the border to ease this.
Canadians who’ve lived in the US can work there now but must relocate—what if they didn’t have to?
A zone with adjusted rules could let someone earn $600K CAD from a US employer, live in Canada, and spend locally, leveraging US tax benefits like deductible housing.

Without that, borders remain a hurdle.
A better option might be in reach if we rethink how laws apply, avoiding relocation while boosting both economies.
Complaining about the US is fair, but solutions matter more than gripes.

Analysis: Key Points

Speeds up cross-border exchange—Toronto to NYC could match Halifax to Vancouver efficiency, cutting mail from weeks to days.
Keeps money in Canada while tapping US jobs; a $600K earner spends locally without moving.
Shenzhen’s SEZ proves special zones can thrive—$300 billion in investment shows economic potential.
Flexible US laws could tailor a perforated SEZ model, easing goods and services flow.

Canada’s rigidity stalls progress; syncing laws or zones needs their buy-in, which isn’t guaranteed.
Sovereignty clashes loom—neutral zones tweak control, and Canada might balk at ceding ground.
Shenzhen had one government; here, two must align, and Canada’s reluctance could derail it.
Costs pile up—customs, infrastructure, enforcement—and Canada might not foot the bill.

Where It Needs Improvement
Legal framework lacks clarity; define how SEZs handle taxes, labor, and disputes across borders.
Scale’s undefined—100 miles is ambitious; test a smaller strip, like 20 miles, first.
Incentives need teeth; US flexibility helps, but Canada needs economic bait to join.
Logistics lag—fast mail or flights need border tech upgrades, not just zones.

ICANN Acheivers: ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND (EDF) Crafted and helped build Silicon Valley support network of top technology CEOs and other top business executives for this bi-partisan, important environmental policy NGO. Led Oceans Committee and set vision to create world’s top oceans policy team and achieved it. Served on board for 19 years with annual budget growth from $10 to $200 million. Advocated market-based solutions now adopted nationally for profitable and sustainable fisheries management.
Is it ok if I call you Estie? Is that ok, juatsay no if you're not comfortable, but I do consider you a friend in the theory ideas transcend politics and circumsatance. I have an intersing idea, so if you'll imndulge my musings what I'ld like to do is help you with well-what sit and you hel me with dns. I know what the presuidents big health announement is oguing to be in September, as I'm paert of the crew like Taylor who worked hard on this. and here's whqt we've found. Eat brazail nuts and you're immune to all viral disease. The mechanic of this inviolve a few decades of legacy reserch and some new ideas found quite recently by me withgroks help that has sped tings along. So, i'm willing to talk as mujch as you want whre you want abou thit obring poepl eup to speed for a new paradigmn shift in the weay america does medicine and the societal impolications. WHJa I Want form you is hep as ORSC transitionm the dns and for now figutn out what to do about it to make suggewsito to the whilte house. I don't wantto kill anyuthig I want it all to work and as icann and web3 domains are about to try I woul dlike us to dcome uop wioth a way to expiide this in a way thaty all save face and legacy preservedbut it evoles into somthn gsafed and more expajndible than it is now. Thatg is to try to achiueve the impossible goal of making evryone happy. I want this to seem the internet communti self organized, and here was are again, likke out last conversation at the Adlon, leader to leade of two large movements, and herw we stil our. Esteie myu admiration fo ryhou and your father is unbonded and sut; sbeen an hionort to even fucking meet you, so I hoope we canfind some way to do all the good we can making all sorts of new mistake and we use our coolledtive imagination to get us alitt furether ahead in trhe race toi STTOS than in the hearts of many, is al that realy matters. I know the politics is weird, but shit, pretend it's th eold days, 68 in Bwerkeoly and HST's wave us cresting, it rolled back asnd as these things do it rolled back a long way, and that always signals a Tsunami and not looking at my TV watching some significantg changes goint on the struture of one of th most amazing pieces of government I;ve ever seen, is actually making me so damn proud of America, a feling I have not had since jfk was zapped by daleks - on the very day we landed in Canda from Britain. So, muse it over, I do se great things conming for both of us if we do this right. Have a look at the letter you sent me on jan 2017, besides viruses, cancer and heart will also imprice sbnstantuially, the chemistryhavbing been all worked out, in some cases long ago. But oh my AI is making a difference, finding weird reactions it might take a team of researdchers a decase to find. I have always like your making new mistakes credo (and do trey to do exactly that) and have one to trade : "hack molecules not code". Thelanguage og human reasoning as as valuyable a skill now as being an actual as their skill comes from rote lerarning a large body of knowldge, and as Feynman pointed out in his cap-map era, you can use grosinstea dnow and the key is no longe that of a boidy mechsnuic thancan perform price labot, bnut more now of unlikcintg thr body sseret to useworj with natire and incomrpt sayt a larhge body of losty knledge from legacy souirtes regadrless opt p[atnt ablyt.