Richard Pierce. FB:11-Mar-2025
Now that I have established why most of what the Federal Government does and spends money on is unconstitutional, why pick Trump?
How many politicians can you name that sought to reduce their own power while in office? I can't think of any especially at the Federal level. Occasionally a Senator or Congressman is sent to Congress to "drain the swamp". If they are not corrupted by the system, they don't get committee assignments and don't get re-elected. Congress resists all efforts to even remove waste and fraud.
No President has even thought to reduce their own power and virtually all candidates that make it to the ballot are part of the system. Many, such as Lincoln, FDR, Johnson, Nixon, Obama, Biden took powers they had no Constitutional authority to take. Unfortunately, the only control on a President's power is impeachment or the voters every 4 years. As we have seen, all the politicians work for their party, not the American People.
Donald J. Trump is the first electable person to even want to reduce the size and scope ...